I'm talkin' $100 off a case of wine. Do I have your attention now? Details below.

If you couldn't tell already, I love me some NakedWines.com !!
As one of the company's "ArchAngels" I've put in some serious work writing reviews and catching up with the latest happenings on the site and at the winery... yada yada... I mentioned the bisque (I miss Seinfeld).
So this article is one I am delighted and honored to write... announcing that I'm now an "Ambassador" for NakedWines.com!!
(*golf clap)

For me, that doesn't mean much. I'll have a few more wines to test out, but mostly I just continue doing what I already do, love the company and the wine and write tons of seemingly endless reviews for the masses to never look at.
For you, however, this means A MASSIVE DISCOUNT on your first case of wine!!
Technically, what this means is I have a link that takes you to a discount promo page, where you sign up and get a ton of wine at a killer price.
Here's how the discount works:
1. Click on this link: us.nakedwines.com/ERIKADVENTURES
(You must be a member of the human race, currently on planet Earth, residing in the United States of America, above 21 years of age with a valid credit/debit card and NOT a member of NakedWines.com now or previously **see footnote)
2. The link takes you to a promo code page where you'll apply the promo code (it's already there, super easy) and sign up to become a member of NakedWines.com . So far, so good.
3. Once you're signed up, you'll get a chance to look through all the reds, whites, Rosés and bubblies, and fill your first case. I think this promo requires at least 12 bottles but you may be able to push it to 15! That might be a good idea since you're saving so much.
(I recommend mixing it up. Try something new! I've discovered dozens of wines I love that I was hesitant to purchase or just didn't know about. You have nothing to lose because they GUARANTEE you'll love each and every wine, or they'll make it right. Other options are explained below.)
4. As long as your case of vino is priced at $160 or more, you'll recieve $100 off at checkout with this promo link. $100! That's potentially more than 50% off!! I don't even get that kind of special treatment.
The wine is usually selected and packed within a day and shipped to your door (for free if your case is over $100) where you'll need someone 21 or over to sign for it.
There are slightly different rules and restrictions for some states regarding shipping of alcohol, so make sure you live in a state where wine can be shipped. If you have any questions about state restrictions, feel free to call the NakedWines.com Customer Happiness Team at 1-800-813-4882 or email them at chat@nakedwines.com .
(FAQ info on state restrictions us.nakedwines.com/help#ordering/where-do-you-ship-to)
Oh, and you can cancel your account any time, so if you think NakedWines.com isn't for you after this case...no problem!
That's it. Go get some wine and discover a new passion for fermented grape juice.
Here's how NakeWines.com works:
This is not a "wine club". It's also not just a bunch of wine lovers throwing money at bottles filled with grapes, praying the wine is actually good. It's a seriously passionate winemaking/wine funding company that is at the forefront of a new generation of wine.
They aren't just sending you a case of three varietals made by the same winemaker...you get to choose from any of the wines on the site in any combination imaginable. There are dozens of winemakers making multiple varietals and styles for you to choose from. The wines change throughout the year as vintages sell out and new wines are released, and each season usually gets a curated case based on the time of year or occasion. There are also personally curated cases they'll custom build for you if you'd like, which some people swear by, but that takes all the fun out of it for me.
The site is set up much like a social media site, with a profile page for yourself and pages for every wine and winemaker so comments, ratings and reviews of a wine can live right on their own page. There are also groups you can join like Wine 'n Dine where food pairings are discussed, Thirsty Thursday which is self explanatory, Naked Newbies where new members can get accustomed to how it all works, or Naked Lab where members can notify engineers of issues with the website etc.
Angels (think "angel funding"), the people like you and I who sign up to become members, put $40 (or more) into a personal account each month, which adds up faster than you know it. That money is yours to spend on wine whenever you see fit. If the case you order goes over the amount of money in your account, the difference is taken from your card on file. Again, super easy.

While you're not using that $40 a month in your account, much like a bank, NakedWines.com is using it to buy grapes and pay cellar crews and fix tractors and find renowned or unknown winemakers from around the world to make wine for you. That's right, they're making this wine for you! It sounds a lot cooler and makes you want to try it out even more when you consider you're the reason a winemaker is able to follow his/her/their dreams. And every wine on the site is exclusive to NakedWines.com.
The company has funded winemakers and wines from 14 different countries across the globe and the website has an archive of more than TWO MILLION reviews of wine, from real wine drinkers, like you and me, from all walks of life with varying levels of wine knowledge. A priceless resource, to say the least.
I've personally learned a TON about wine in the last few years, and it's not all stuff that can simply be found in a book. So much of the learning process happens when you're drinking the wine. When a smell or flavor note you can't quite place or immediately recognize jumps out at you. Reviews from other angels have helped me fill in the gaps in my wine vocabulary as well as given me comparative notes to look at. Some of the more thorough reviews can be helpful when read as a walkthrough of a tasting experience or used as a juxtoposition to your own experience... because, as you'll discover, even if a particular wine has a difinitive flavor, some people will taste it differently.
Bonus info: every month the website features a different wine and makes it the free "gift bottle", which is automatically in your basket. You can swap it with a different wine if you don't prefer that bottle, and some months there's a MAGNUM featured as the gift bottle. Dope, right?!
So that's the deal. Pretty great if you ask me. If you have any general questions that the Customer Happiness Team or FAQ (linked below) can't help you with, email me at TheErikLarson@gmail.com
**If you are, or at one point were, a member of NakedWines.com, there's nothing stopping someone else in your household with a credit card of their own, over the age of 21, from starting their own account and using this discount. Neat, huh? Tell your friends.
Help/FAQ for NakedWines.com
Customer Happiness Team
chat@nakedwines.com / 1-800-813-4882
My Wine Reviews
My NakedWines.com Profile