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Is There Anything Better Than Keystone Ice? Don't Answer That.

Writer: Erik H. LarsonErik H. Larson

Updated: Jul 8, 2019

On my epic trip to the Midwest I discovered something. Beer. All the beer that was popular when I was a teenager was here, and only here. But why? Who cares, let's drink ICE beer!

Probably due to it's location directly in the middle of the United States, and it's proximity to all the big-wig breweries, Iowa has all the beer you forgot you drank as a terrible teen at some bonfire on a stranger's property.

Bud Light? Everyone has that. Bleh.

Bud Light Orange? Say whaa? Orange? But...why? No.

Busch Light? Now you're talkin! It's like Bud Light's hotter cousin that can maintain through the whole party and may even make you tacos later or breakfast tomorrow morning.

Me: “You have Keystone Ice?!?” Iowan: "We have Keystone everything."

The entire Keystone lineup was present in the Midwest. Keystone (who drinks straight Keystone?), Keystone Light, Keystone Ice and I MAY have seen a Keystone Dry somewhere. If I did I'm surprised I didn't snap a photo. It's basically the Sasquatch of beers.

So why is Keystone Ice frackin' awesome? Well, for an easy-drinking Coors Light sized beer it has A LOT of alcohol. Most of America's beer (which is unfortunately Bud, Coors and my fave Miller) have an alcohol content lower than 5% so they don't have to even put the content on the can. I think Bud rides the line at 5%, but a cheaper beer that arguably tastes better with almost 1% more alcohol....?? You guessed it, KEYSTONE ICE.

Why do ice-beers have higher alcohol contents you ask? Once the beer is fermented they turn down the temperature on the tank and literally freeze off a bunch of the water. Since beer is basically alcohol and water, less water equals more alcohol!

And that's your science lesson for today.

Even 1% more alcohol will be noticeable after you've had a couple beers and you strangely feel saucy way too early. "Did I really get a heavy buzz off two beers?" Yes, you're a lightweight, just enjoy yourself and make sure to eat something. Bring me something to snack on while you're at it.

The Breakdown:

Beer is rad. Yes, it's kinda the frat boy or drunk uncle of the alcohol community, but there's so much good beer out there you can't let a few bad Buds or IPAs represent the whole community. Ice beer is exceptionally rad because it tastes pretty much the same as the standard fare, but throws down that oh-so-good feeling on you much quicker.



Where can you buy Keystone Ice near you?


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