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My Naked Obsession. (Video)

Writer: Erik H. LarsonErik H. Larson

Updated: May 23, 2019

Ok, so this article isn't exactly what the title may lead you to believe. I'm heavily involved in the wine drinking business, if ya kow what I mean, and the source of most of my wine is .

I can't really say enough about NW, and it's reached the point where almost anything I say sounds like an advertiesement or "#SponCon" as the kids are calling it. Well it's not, and here are my honest feelings about Naked Wines in a little video I cut together a few months ago. (try not to judge the quality)


Seriously, they don't pay me. This is a grown man's honest opinion in iMovie form haha.

The Breakdown:

I highly reccommend checking out if you're a serious wine drinker. Not serious like "intense", more like you seriously drink a lot of wine and love to try new stuff whenever possible. That's the kind of person who I think falls in love with NW right from the start. You can't be timid or afraid to try a white wine you've never had just because you don't like Chardonnay. Open mindedness is the key to enjoying just about everything.

If you'd like a promo code or something like that, I think I have a few laying around somewhere. You get a great deal on good wine and I get a little "thank you" for introducing new customers.


Discount/Promo Link For $100 off New Customers


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