With 80 degrees fast approaching, we decided to pack up the dogs, a bunch of grub and head for the hills while there was still snow to be had. I think we managed to make it for the last snowfall of winter, but California is full of surprises, isn't she?

Heather and I whisked our #dogs off to an AirBnB on a small street, tucked away on the western-most peninsula on the south side of #BigBearLake. The #puppers hadn't seen snow before, or at least not this much, so the trip was almost for them. The crib was just a few minute's walk from the lakeshore in one direction and a great little market in the other, so we basically won the location wars at the #AirBnB finals. The two bedroom semi-cabin had a fenced-in front yard and a huge deck with sufficient railing for the #doggos to have free reign of the property without having to worry about any Houdini style escapes.

The dogs, like usual, found their respective sitting spots next to the window so they could scout the local canines on their walks and growl at them from the comfort of a heated cabin. This spot had a pretty great #fireplace that became the Mecca of this weekend pilgrimage. That also meant it was my job to keep a fire going while we were there...a fairly simple task but one that is so easy to neglect when you start seriously #relaxing and having a good time.

"Stoke the fire, dammit!!" - Me to Myself, probably 5 times

The #view from the deck was spectacular. Sure, there was almost a foot of #snow covering some sections of the deck, which made it difficult to walk on...but the view (with the lake just behind the tree line) was priceless. Anyone else thinking it's time for some cold white wine in a warm cabin? No? Just me? Anywho....

One of the best #activities in the area is just walking around the neighborhood (does that make me sound old?). Everyone we passed on the street said "hello", and the dogs absolutely loved wandering this new maze of streets, between snow drifts and past #vacation homes, large and small. Winston was ecstatic for almost the entire walk, jumping and prancing with anticipation for something #epic (of course his idea of epic is pretty basic).

We walked the dogs all the way down to the water's edge and, although it was cold as ice outside, they couldn't get enough of #trudging through the snow and smelling the 'foreign' soil, which I'm guessing was territorially marked by previous dog visitors, based on Maggie and Winston's reactions to a few spots in particular.

Like I said, our walks took us past some of the most dainty or over-the-top #cabins and #cottages in the area. From what I've learned, the next peninsula to the east has a much more upscale housing market, but honestly, this small, #cozy neighborhood was extremely inviting and a location I would absolutely consider having a vacation home in. I also saw a #bunny in the snow, so it's basically a done deal after that.

There's obviuosly much more to do on the #mountain than sit by the fire with your dogs, but sometimes it's just the time spent together that means the most.

The Breakdown:
You should take a weekend vacation, or even a day trip, to Big Bear. If you have never been, it's like the Lake Tahoe of SoCal, but smaller and with less creeps. If you have been, you know what I mean and right now you're thinking about any excuse to climb that mountain and knock back a few brews in front of a fire with your dawgs.
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